...eat a cheeseburger the other day. Don Boudreaux
comments on Elizabeth Newton's stupid comments. Some feel, often journalists, that their intellect is far enough above that of everyone else that they do not feel the need to think before they speak, or write in this case. Newton's
letter to the editor in the New York Times is an example of this.
I really enjoyed Ms. Newton's assumption that all it would take is "education" and people will "demand" healthier food choices. What a crock. I work with some of the most educated people around (doctors), and you should see some of the s#@! they put in their mouths.
You said it Joel Richard Thomas, M.D. If people only knew that becoming morbidly obese was unhealthy, then I'm sure they would decide to be in great shape....
I routinely look down on morbidly obese people. I just shake my head and wonder if they enjoy being that big?
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